Triple Combo Diet Tea Set
Triple Combo Tea Set, comes with 3 Organic blends, no added chemicals or artificial accelerating additives.
1- Diet blend for the Morning
Blend contains: Chinese green tea, japanese Matcha Kyoto, indian lemon grass and Lebanese verbena
Origin: Lebanon, Japan, China and India
Brewing time: 2mins
Temperature: 90c
Benefits: boost metabolic rate, increases burning fat, lowers blood cholesterol, good for hair and nails
Tasting notes: lemon grass and green tea, with light herbal notes
2- Blue Pea Butterfly for Day
Origin: Thailand
Brewing time: 3mins
Temperature: 100c
Benefits: removes water retention, aids in weight loss as a detoxifying agent
Tasting notes: sweet pea, herbal, light flowery
3- Herbal infusions blend For Night
No theine
Origin: Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Turkey
Brewing time: 3mins
Temperature: 100c
Tasting notes: flowers, sage, roses, marjoram
Benefits: relaxing, detoxifying